Home of the Berewic server
Example output from user-agent.sh

Alistair Mann al@berewic.com

$ ./user-agent.sh
Accessing URL to obtain a BTA. [Done]
BTA URL chosen: https://bobs-bta.mpsvr.com:8443/proposal/4025061200627151c0c2b7b80d7af47b3b5c8bd2/e8ebaa9cb957844658dd0bcea2aeae6ffb1e2349?idv1=cac0b754&ratev1=normal&hmacv1=f99da4f8356a593d39df2f9bd6e8c6ba296318af
Get proposals from BTA. [Done]
Add buyer address 2N89uTZbJ1K3jWRviJkfZ3uGVC9ATxmh4eS to proposal. [Done]
Supply above modification back to to BTA for the P2SH address. [Done]
P2SH Address: 2Mx64RAhuyYauP166LGt3QWE3SArSSyws41
Fund the P2SH address and so commit to the bond. [Done]
Poll BTA for '200' & confirmation code once it sees bond on the blockchain, 30 second sleep if not.
1551722189: 202
1551722220: 202
1551722250: 202
1551722280: 200 [Done]
Header which confirms bond acceptable will be:
berewic-bond-confirmation: idv1=cac0b754&bta=78f7&amount=0.0004&locktime=1551727588&mtime=1551722280233796&hmacv1=26f3563a43d721c9541fb062a1fe183434060b8d

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